RPG devlog 2


Follow-up on this blog! It's been a bit since the last devlog or blog about this game but I finally got around to it! I started with designing the player character's room (subject to change) and made a system to be able to transition between game rooms. It also fades out the current room and fades in the next for a smooth transition.

But most importantly, I added a dialogue system! Pretty useful to have one in a RPG. It supports well, text, but also dialogue trees and choices that can do different things! Let's say you interact with the closet, it will show you some dialogue and prompt you to either open it or not for example.

How it looks in code (GML*):
Each "|" represents a pause in the text. Each "|" takes about a few frames so "|||" would mean the text pauses for a moment, and then continues.
Each choice can also have an optional function associated with it. So if you pick yes here for example, the code inside the function will run. In this case the code changes the sprite of the closet to appear opened.

Yes there is inspiration taken from Undertale, how did you know?

That is it for this blog D:
Please feel free to give any feedback in my guestbook!

* Game Maker Language